Pavel & Martina

About us

The fact that our trip around the world is a big project and a dream of ours is evident when browsing our website. In case you want to find more about us you are on the right place. 🙂


Hello, my name is Martina. I was born in 1989. I am a bookworm, cook, food lover and I adore travelling. I also have to admit I am one of the luckiest girls in this world! Wondering why? Because I have met a guy who totally mesmerized me and apart from that he wants to share his lifetime dream with me – a trip around the world. So now you understand. 🙂

MartinaI think I am a very open and frank person with good intentions. I love listening to music, reading books, sometimes practising my yoga work-outs, cooking, eating and of course travelling. I adore riding on our motorbike and getting to know our country and our continent which is Europe at the moment.

I work for an international company in tourist industry as an Online Marketer. Working really hard to be able to make our dream come true in 2015. Wish us a good luck, we’re gonna need it!


My name is Pavel. I was born in 1982. I am a computer fanatic, I enjoy riding a motorbike and also hikes in the nature. As Martina mentioned we are a couple and I can say a very happy couple 😉 In my Pavelopinion, the most important things in life are not the material ones but being happy. We are happy because we have found each other and we also want to find another happiness together in this world. Our trip around the world is one of our big “projects” so therefore we want to give it everything and also share this happiness with you!

My nature is rather neutral but I can say that I am a positive and supportive thinking person. I am a  big fan of any electronics and computers rather than Martina… but someone has to set up and maintain these things 😉 My next hobby is definitely traveling I have been devoting since childhood when I was a Scout boy. I also spent some time by living in South Britain and also visited South Africa where I was fascinated by its natural fortune.

I work as a Project manager in a very successful company. The core of our business is implementation of software for international financial institutions. It is very interesting and quite hard work.

We would like to thank all of you who visit our website either occasionally or on regular basis. Thanks for your support and help for making our dream come true! We believe our trip around the world is going to be an inspiration for other people!

Tento příspěvek je také k dispozici v jazyce: Czech

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