Flag of Brazil


Brazil is the biggest and the most populous country in Latin America. There are a lot of reasons why to visit this Flag of Brazilcountry.

Why go on vacation to Brazil?

What were we thinking of traveling to Brazil? Among the attractions in Brazil are the Amazonian rain forest, São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Iguaçu falls and many other places. However we were also thinking about those beautiful beaches which we know from photos and fromthe movies, and even Brazilian football and the enthusiasm of the locals for this sport. And we must admit that the natural plants and wildlife of Brazil mesmerized us too. Anyway our trip around the world has been planned for about 16 months and we know we will probably not be able to see everything. A vacation in Brazil is going to be a great experience for sure. We will basically visit only two places in Brazil. First is the city of Rio de Janeiro. We are going to be here during the famous carnival whenwe will try to figure out how transport in Brazil works. We then plan to go by bus to the southern region of Rio Grande de Sul which is located at the border with Argentina and Uruguay. We decided to journey there to see with our own eyes the amazing Iguaçu Falls.

Brazilian cuisine

We don’t want to miss the opportunity to taste the local goodies during our vacation in Brazil. Brazilian cuisine is, we have been told, influenced by Portuguese cuisine because Brazil is one of Portugal’s former colonies. There is one speciality we need to try for sure – Feijoáda. It isa dish made of black beans, several kinds of meat and served with rice and manioc flour called Farora. From the local beverages, we would like to try the World’s best known Brazilian drink Caipirinha.

Iguaçu Falls BrazilWhen to travel to Brazil

Vacationing and traveling in Brazil is possible during any season of year but it depends on each traveller what weather and conditions he/she prefers and where he/she is heading. Thanks to its large area Brazil offers various weather conditions. We have decided to start our trip around the worldin Brazil in order to get warm and soak up the sun from right the very start of our trip. The reason is simple. February is quite cold month in Europe, therefore Brazil will provide us with the perfect shelter from all the ugly weather conditions which we will leave behind. The period between December to March is the main season in Brazil. The children have their holidays then so it is not going to be only foreigners we will meet during our traveling in Brazil but also the locals too. We hope that we will be able to get over the language barrier on our vacation in Brazil and we will be at least able to use our basics of Spanish, which we plan to learn before our journey.

Bem Vindo ao Brasil! Welcome to Brazil!





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