

The success of our trip around the world depends on our health. Therefore we do not want to let anything to a coincidence and so we undergo the vaccination process. Some countries even require their visitors to be vaccinated. Vaccination process takes a long time. It starts with a medical consultation and creation of the vaccination plan. Once the plan is ready it is necessary to stick to the schedule. However this plan will take couple of months for us to be completed, based on a number of countries we want to visit. Also we do not want to do any rush intervention to our health harmony.

What to expect from vaccination

Vaccination is quite serious process for the entire body. It may lead to many side effects, where tiredness and total exhaustion are the most common. Other side effects can be headaches and nausea. Sometimes even malaise. We both know these states from the past. Therefore we always arrange vaccinating for the afternoons in the latest possible hour so we don’t have to go Vaccination passportback to work. Why? Because our working performance is almost on zero percent after vaccination. It is necessary to follow instructions given by doctor after the vaccination. It is prohibited to do any kind of physical onus for 2-3 days after vaccination. It is also good to avoid direct sun light and it is also recommended not to have alcohol.

Where to get vaccinated

There are many vaccination centers, so the choice is huge. We settled on the basis of communication that preceded the first visit. We had several questions and not all centers were willing to even reply back. From some centers we had a feeling that they want only money, because the only answer we received was “come for consultation”. We will not write about the centers that were not willing to help us, because our opinion is that everyone should make his own point of view. Finally we have chosen Zdravotní ústav from Ústí nad Labem. We can recommend their branch office at Prague 8 in Sokolovská street where Mrs. Jandurová M.D. is working. She is a very nice and well-read person. If you hesitate where to go, we can recommend you this center in Prague. They are willing to help and try to meet your requirements.

More about vaccination, diseases and its occurrences is shown in overview tables below:

Tento příspěvek je také k dispozici v jazyce: Czech

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