Travel plan

To see the countries that we travelled during our trip around the world use following  map. If you click on any state it will show you list of so far written posts.

How to plan trip around the world

A trip around the world requires a lot of planning, calculating, testing various options in terms of from where to where is the best and fastest transport and of course for the least amount of money. In other words planning the round the world trip is quite a complicated and lengthy process. But it’s not only about planning. Preparation is a very important part of the entire project. However, without much deliberation, we knew that we wanted to visit following continents.

Our travel plan – the itinerary of continents and countries

The first continent we will go to is America. At the beginning we will explore the beauty of South America, travelling across Brazil, Argentina and then ,via Patagonia, we will get to Chile and from there will move to Peru. Afterwards we plan to fly to North America, where we will visit Mexico, the United States and Canada. In America we expect many adventures, many historical and ancient monuments and beautiful national parks where we plan to have a rest from the hustle of the big cities.

Then we will move towards the west, where we visit the largest and most populous continent of the world, Asia. Asia attracts us with its huge contrasts that are apparent in many countries. We look forward to see the Buddhist and Hindu temples as well as the Islamic mosques. A journey through Asia will also be quite a gastronomic experience. Asian cuisine offers so many goodies, different tastes, technological preparation and processing of food. This joy cannot be missed by any gourmet.

Our trip around the world will even take us to Australia and Oceania. On this continent we plan to visit Australia, especially the East Coast. From Australia we will then move to New Zealand where we will rent a camper van and explore both of the islands of this beautiful country.

The last of the continents we want to visit is Africa. Africa is huge and we know that there are many countries that are really worth a visit. Unfortunately our budget is not inflatable so we had to think twice about where to travel. After long consideration three fascinating countries won, countries that are symbols for Africa. And on this continent we will end our trip around the world and return back to Europe.

Tento příspěvek je také k dispozici v jazyce: Czech

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