Da Lat

Da Lat - highlands of the rich harvest

We decided to visit Da Lat not only for its beautiful landscape but also for the fact that after Sapa and north of Vietnam it is the only place where we could cool down. We set out to Da Lat by bus from seaside resort Nha Trang. The journey took about 4 hours and we bought our ticket for 120.000 VND/person (cca 5,30 USD). After our arrival we found a cozy hotel to stay and nearby was amazing restaurant with delicious food. We cursed our Da Lat Chinese dragonaccommodation in the end. We found out that right next to the building was school and kinder garten together and from about 6.30 am there was very loud music playing. It felt like having a speaker right next to our heads. 😀 In this case Vietnam reminded us a bit communism in the Czech Republic in the past.

What to see in Da Lat and surrounding area

Directly in Da Lat city there is a small lake waiting for you to walk around. Who likes temples should definitely see the statue of Golden Buddha or maybe visit Thien Vien Truc Lam Temple. Flower lowers will simply love the Flower Park. And outside of the town there are beautiful waters waiting. We did not visit any of them because we weren’t so lucky with the weather and we have already seen many waterfalls on our trip around the world therefore we decided to skip the ones around Da Lat. Nevertheless which falls are probably the most interesting and how to get there advices the best Czech in Vietnam. He has travelled the length and breadth of Da Lat.  🙂 And his travel tips are really amazing. Even we followed his advices and it saved us a lot of time and we did not regret.

Foil houses – rich harvest of fruits, vegetables and flowers

Da Lat can take pride in the rich harvest of several kinds of fruits, vegetables and flowers. Already on our arrival to the hills of Da Lat area we were literally surrounded by foil houses. They attracted us so much that we decided to coffee beansexplore one of them in person. So we rented a motorbike, went to a certain place, asked the locals for permission to come in. It was no problem for them, local people were very nice and they even wanted to talk to us but unfortunately they did not speak English and we do not speak Vietnamese at all so we were only smiling at each other and enjoying the views at the harvest. There are also coffee plantations in Da Lat vincinity but the coffee bushes can be found in any village. And this is the way how we explored the surrounding areas. We went where locals showed and pointed and enjoyed the freedom and landscape full of foil houses, hidden temples and also beautiful trees. We even discovered the largest flower Buddha in Asia there. We also pleasantly cooled down during our visit in Da Lat. It got so cold that we had to wear long pants and sweatshirts. And they say it is only warm in Southeast Asia. 😉 After a few days in the coldness and several raindrops we journey to the metropolis of south Vietnam to Saigon – Ho Chi Minh City.

Tento příspěvek je také k dispozici v jazyce: Czech



Bookworm, great cook, food lover, big traveller and female.


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