San Francisco in one day - highlights within arm's reach

San Francisco was one of the places we did not want to miss. But it was not so easy as we found out it to b eone of the most expensive cities in the world as for accommodation either in the city or its surroundings. We did not want pay more than 120 USD a […]

Los Angeles - city of TV series, movies and stars

Our trip around the world took us to the city of movies and beaches during our travelling in the USA. And thanks to the generosity of Czech people it felt like home again for a while. From the road trip in the US Soutwest and the city of playing Las Vegas we set off directly […]

Death Valley, Red Rock Canyon & Hoover Dam

We were thinking ourselves that we had enough getaways into the nature and no matter how beautiful they were we needed a change. Therefore we went from Mono Lake, Bodie, Ancient Bristlecone Pine Forest & Alabama Hills directly towards Death Valley, Red Rock Canyon & Hoover Dam. And it was a good choice! We again […]

Mono Lake, Bodie, Bristlecone Pine Forest & Alabama Hills

Moving further. This time our road trip in the US Southwest took us to 4 interesting places. We got them recommended by David with whom we hiked in Sequoia. We set out to Mono Lake, Bodie, Ancient Bristlecone Pine Forest & Alabama Hills from Yosemite National Park because i tis super close and on the […]

Sequoia National Park - a land of the Giant Sequoias

From Californian city Barstow, where we said goodbye to the legendary Route 66, we set out to the nature full of beautiful plants, forests and mountains, we drove towards Sequoia National Park. But travelling in the USA is demanding as for the distance. So we decided to replenish stock in Bakersfield city and then drive […]

Route 66 and Meteor Crater - road legend with bonus

From the grandiose Grand Canyon we moved on in order to visit other attractions when travelling the USA. Certainly we could not miss Route 66 and Meteor Crater. Meteor Crater – the most preserved crater in the world This impact crater is located nearby the Interstate I-40 between Flagstaff and Winslow, Arizona. It was another […]

Grand Canyon - giant and masterpiece of all canyons

During our road trip in the US Southwest we could not skip Grand Canyon. Everyone speaks about it and who have already been there also raves about it. Therefore we decided to make another dream come true within our trip around the world and from Canyonlands, Arches & Monument Valley we rushed towards Grand Canyon. […]

Bryce Canyon and Goblin Valley - landscapes of hoodoos

Our second road trip took us to the US Southwest. And first of place we visited there were Bryce Canyon and Goblin Valley. Both places are so different but still very beautiful like all other places we have been to in Utah and other states of the USA. Bryce Canyon – rock city full of […]

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