100 days on the Trip Around the World - amazing moments

Let’s celebrate!!!! We are 100 days on the trip around the world today! It’s unbelievable but our expedition is still only in one fifth of its length. 😉 What we have have experienced within those 100 days on our trip around the world and what all we have achieved you may find in the short summary below.

How we travel

  • Martina hitchhikingOur motto is: „To get to know to country you need to meet locals – mindless country passing is about nothing…“ And that is why we stayed with locals 14 times within 100 days on the trip around the world! 😉
  • We have our travel plan but we adjust it to the recommendations from locals. Thanks to that we get to places where regular tourists don’t go and we experience nice and extraordinary moments.
  • We travel on our own – have no managers, agents, IT support or movie crew…Therefore we spend an hour every day to plan and solve issues within our trip. It ain’t easy but gradually we are more and more efficient and we are proud of how we cope without foreign help! 😉
  • Martina with backpacksWe are backpacking – so forget about comfort (it has nothing to do with driving your ass in modern car etc.. – but at the moment we are experiencing that and it is a very pleasant diversification 😉 ). Normally we walk with heavy backpacks (Pavel carries cca 20 kilos + 5 kilos small backpack, Martina cca 18 kilos + 4 kilos small backpack). Our backpacks are our kitchen, house, living room, bathroom, wardrobe, hospital, workroom and office. This all in only several liters of capacity! It is not always easy but it is a challenge and we love challenges. 😉
  • We often use various ways of transportation (airplanes, buses, colectivos, trucks, cabs, tuk tuks, bicycles, cars, ski-jets ;-)) and literally put our life’s into stranger’s hands with different driving qualities (especially South America was an extreme).
  • We sleep where we can – tent, kitchen corner, in someone’s home, hostels, hotels and when we are lucky we stay in luxury villas and residences. 😉
  • We do not travel for money (we are not paid for that) but we travel for us and other travellers 😉
  • We are not afraid to hitch-hike, not even in countries where people are afraid to do it like in Mexico for example 😉

What BESTS and MOSTS we experienced on our trip

  • We have travelled 6 countries, now we are visiting 7th country!
  • Carnival in Rio – the most visited carnival in the world
  • Monte AlbanCopacabana Beach – the most famous beach in the world
  • Iguazu Falls – the largest waterfall system in the world
  • 9 de Julio Avenue in Buenos Aires (Argentina) – the widest avenue in the world
  • Lake Titicaca – the highest navigable lake in the world
  • La Raya, Peru – our highest existing reach point at 4.335 meters above the sea level
  • Mexico city metropolitan area – the largest metropolitan area by population in America
  • The Great Pyramid of Cholula – the largest pyramid known to exist in the world
  • Florida Key West – the most southern point in the USA
  • Siesta Key Beach, Florida – number 1 beach in the USA
  • We are the only expedition in the world counting steps withing our round the world trip! And we have our first achievements – we both walked over 1 000 000 steps and almost 1000 km (621 miles)!
  • And other tens of the best and most place and things we don’t even know about 😉 )

What pleased us most

  • We met many locals, nice and amazing people. Many of them helped us to comprehend and get to know better local situation and habits.
  • Our trip, our story and our website and fan page is now admired by more than 1000 fans on Facebook – thanks a lot for that guys!
  • We have visited hundreds of places where many of them were beaches and archeological sites that we love 😉
  • Thanks to the trip we were able to absorb hundreds useful information and tips and tricks for other travelers.
  • PalenqueOur trip around the world inspires other travelers and expeditions – for example our fellow-travelling idea, spots in our travel plan, the ways how we publish our posts, etc…
  • Our efforts to share our experiences with you is on the right track, consider for yourself:
    • We have published 34 articles from our trips – always in both Czech and English languages!
    • We have created galleries with 5019 photos!
    • We have cut 15 videos in total and video Carnival in Rio has already reached 5472 views!
  • We moved our physical and mental boundaries a bit further.
  • We snorkeled with giant sea turtles and rays. 😉
  • We observed dolphins playing.
  • Martina was fishing for the first time in her life and Pavel drove the jet-ski. 😉
  • We managed several days camping in Patagonia in Torres del Paine.

What pleased us less

  • Help people in needEven though there is no strong media support behind us we decided to take advantage of our trip around the world to help people in need. We created a crowdfunding campaign where you can donate and your effort will soon prove where it belongs. Find out more here – help people in need. So far we have not managed to accumulate any money and this is why we write it here because we hope it is going to change! In only a few days we are gonna restart our campaign again and we will be happy if you support our project. 😉
  • We almost let a smarty business man in Cusco to rip us off but thanks to a common sense we managed to solve things out and save a lot money 😉
  • You would probably expect, like we did, that travellers will support each other and help each other. Especially you expect this from travellers of the same nationality. There are many travellers and expeditions we introduced you through our Facebook and they are super friendly and stand both feet on the ground. But unfortunately there are also travellers who are exactly the opposite and it is an important experience either. We do not want to and are not going to be like them and we will not write down their names here because they know who they are. 😉

As you can see we were not bored within those 100 first days and we won’t get bored even further! So keep following us!

And if you like us and you would like to meet us in person, you have the opportunity to travel with us! There is a legendary Route 66 waiting but also Hawaii or New Zealand. Learn more about how we are looking for fellow-travellers. 🙂

Martina and Pavel at Cenote Azul

Tento příspěvek je také k dispozici v jazyce: Czech



Bookworm, great cook, food lover, big traveller and female.


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